When your home’s closets are a disaster, it is difficult to find what you need to prepare for your day. A messy bedroom closet can make your feel unknowingly stressed.  We all know that closing the door and pretending that the disaster doesn’t exist isn't a plan for success, so try this out when you have reached closet armageddon. 

1. Schedule a Time for Closet Organization:  Organizing a closet is hard work that requires a lot of time, so make sure to schedule an entire day to complete the chore. If you share a bedroom closet, then it is imperative to have the other person help with the process. While cleaning a closet, avoid distractions in order to complete the task in one day. 

2. Require Labeled Containers:  Have the supplies required for organizing a closet before beginning the task. Some of the things that you need include plastic totes, adhesive labels, ink pens and clothing hangers. You will need trash bags to hold the items that you plan to discard, and if you want to donate objects to charitable organizations, then have a cardboard box available.  This step isn't completely necessary if you have a custom closet system installed.  (Just sayin') 

3. Have a Plan for the Closet Organization:  Prepare a written plan for the organizing process to make the job easier. You can make a sketch of the closet to help with storing your things in an organized way. By having a plan, you can understand what to buy in order to store seasonal clothing, mementos or children’s toys. 

4. Remove Everything from the Closet:  The best way to create custom closets is by removing everything from the spaces. With this method, you can wash the walls, floor and ceiling to remove dust before putting items in the proper places. Make sure to clean the shelves and clothing rods to have a cleaner closet. 

5. Sort Through Your Possessions:  Before putting anything back into your bedroom closet, you should examine each item in order to put it in the proper place. If something is damaged or unneeded, then throw it in a trash bag or the donation box. Hang clothing on the new hangers so that garments are organized according to its type. 

6. Put Everything Away:  closets are organized neatly with an adequate amount of space between the items to retrieve something easily. You should have a place for everything in your closet rather than tossing something into the space. When you are finished with the closet organization, all of the things that you enjoy will have its own space, and unwanted items are ready for donating or the garbage. 

7. Maintain Your Closets:  After your bedroom closets are organized, you can keep the spaces in order by cleaning the space once a week. If you maintain your closets on a routine basis like a couple of minutes a day, then the spaces will not become a disaster again.